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Monday, June 27, 2005

Book Review

The Holiness of God by RC Sproul

Not exactly a title that will get your book placed in Wal-mart. I purchased four books by Sproul through half.com and can't wait to read them all. I started with this one through "ramdom chance" (like that exists), now realizing it's probably the place for any Sproul reader to start.

Resisting the trend of humanity (and the trend of Christianity, unfortunately), Sproul keeps the focus and attention on God. Spiritual quest easily becomes a study of the divine ACCORDING to what I see and understand. Sproul instead, reminds us that by being holy (cut or completely separate), God transcends us. It is not God who is an image of us, but rather, we are in the image of Him.

We don't like to describe God as terrible, but in it's original definition, this is not only an accurate, but glorious description. The strongest part of the book is when Sproul takes us along with Jacob, Job, Saul and even Martin Luther as they discover the character of God. By being driven to understand the justice of God, each further appreciates the mercy of God.

Sproul is smart (understatement of the day!). He also has a great sense of humor. He uses personal experience and colorful illustrations, not to teach, but to illustrate the principles revealed in Scripture. If you want to appreciate grace; if you want to know the Father better; if you want to grow not only in knowledge but in your relationship with Christ as well; this would be a great book to read.

Overall, an "8.5 point Caribou." I'd really love for some people to read it and comment here to let me know what they thought. It seems in many ways to state what the Bible clearly says, yet I have a gut feeling most would be repulsed by it's message. Would LOVE to know I am wrong on that thought!


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