Welcome to Carnivorous Caribou

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


How much loyalty should one show to their denomination, er fellowship (as we call it, in the name of autonomy)? Lately, there have been some baffling moves within denomination lines:
    Episcopal Church
There continues to be backlash from the appointment of V. Eugene Robinson, an openly gay bishop. Now the denomination is spilt over this issue when considering their next bishop. They also now have to restore relationships with African Episcopalians who are frustrated with the church's liberalism.
    Southern Baptist
At their recent convention, within a resolution regarding alcohol, they resolve ...we urge that no one be elected to serve as a trustee or member of any entity or committee of the Southern Baptist Convention that is a user of alcoholic beverages. Within this document they also urge people to support legislation to curb alcohol use (since that worked so well before), and state they are totally opossed to the consumption of alcohol. You can read entire statement here. (By the way, you can read some of Piper's comments in a sermon given a while ago here.
After making schizophrenic decisions regarding homosexuality and clergy, Mark Roberts has written a great article about his denominations decisions.

So what is the denomination/fellowship role in a local church? As one who does defend autonomy, it seems that it should not be that of governing. Our desire should be to cooperate with our denomination for the futherance of the Kingdom (not just the denomination). Sometimes, fellowship organizations have contacts, support and even finances to make things possible. Individuals should support their denomination only as their denomination structures are supporting local churches. It should be important to remember that Jesus said He would build His church, not His denomination of churches.

I feel for people in frustration with their denominations right now. They are, no doubt, wondering whether they stay to try to reform, or if it is time to leave. I don't know that there is any easy answer to those questions. But I believe the church must be diligent to make disciples of Christ, and not just followers of certain religious organizations.


  • At 9:12 AM, Blogger danny2 said…

    i am thankful that our fellowship does not dictate local church polity, since i think most churches in our fellowship use something contrary to eldership...but they allow us freedom there!

    i do see your point about submission as well. i think it kind of depends when policies or standards are made.

    if you entered a fellowship, that AFTER you were in decided to make some standards you considered anti-biblical, i suppose you would have to work through the process of reform (trying to turn the decision around) or removal (getting out of the fellowship).

    however, if you are aware of a decision BEFORE entering a fellowship, you have two choices: either don't enter, or make your objection clear and allow the fellowship to decide whether to include you or not.

    as for baptism (the specific you gave) for our fellowship. my understanding is that the statement of faith (which "brethren" tried to avoid even penning for the longest time) deals with the ordinances regarding practice. as a gbc, you agree to PRACTICE triune immersion. however, the statement makes not comment as to whether your church will recognize baptisms from other churches that were done in a different way. this seems to be up to each church to decide.

    i believe a fellowship's purpose it to create unity, to build strength, provide accountability, combine resources, help others find like minded churches/individuals. in short, the fellowship exists to assist the local church (not the other way around). but, as a matter of integrity, a church should not enter a fellowship if they are not willing to submit to the fellowship's standards.

    dunno if that clears things up? (incidently, i reread my article and found this one to be even more poorly written than most of mine!)

  • At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Being part of specific denominations will, for the most part, eliminate certain doctrines from being corporately debated or examined in local churches and conventions/fellowships. This can be good and bad.

    Take the SBC for example - good that they don't even consider debating whether the Trinity is Father, Son and Holy Spirit OR Mother, Child and Womb. They can focus energy on a public debate at the convention between two seminary presidents (Mohler and Patterson) about Calvinism.

    However, it eliminates other issues like mode of baptism or the Lord's supper from ever coming up.

    Net result is bad because, ultimately it creates a "mother church" concept whether we intend to do so or not. We are limiting the degree to which we (more corporately than individually)"rightly divide the word of truth" and "search the scriptures to see whether these things are so" because our convention/fellowship has already authoritatively decided the matter.

  • At 8:08 AM, Blogger Gary Underwood said…

    Man, if it wasn't for the FGBC, you and I never would have met at Grace College. True.


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