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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Earthen Vessel

i've never been a poetry guy. at times i wonder if the right portion of my brain is even connected. i've never even had an urge to place my thoughts in prose, until recently...please read with mercy!

Earthen Vessel

My heart cries out for logic and order
Yet my thoughts float around in veiled fragments
I just want to make sense of what runs through my head
Yet irrationale floods my soul

I pray to the Lord that I would be teachable
Can conviction deter further learning
Can I teach others and fulfill my call
Passionately teach truth without claiming to house it?

I beg for the Father to give me humility
I'm so sick of losing my battle with pride
but just when I think humility has come
I find that I've failed again in the fight

I'm too scared to ask You to use me
I'd just volunteer for a task I can't do
I stand before You and offer nothing
Naked in the throne room of the King

Who am I to say You can't use me
But who am I to think that You should
I want the blessing of being Your pawn
When I'm probably just a chip in the board

I have no worth, I'm an empty clay pot
Yet so valuable You'd lay down Your life
I pray that the world, my church and my family
Does not see me, but My Maker and His Message


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